Do I Need To Be Tech-Savvy?
Absolutely not! This course is for beginners and technophobes! Each lesson is extremely clear and has step-by-step instructions or images to help you complete each task before you move onto the next step.
How Long Do I Have Access To The Course?
You will have one year from the date you enroll so you can take your time moving through each step and go back and revisit steps if need be.
Is The Course Worth The Price?
Imagine how much revenue you are missing out on by not having this information! If you desire to increase your biz, then you’ll have to get comfortable investing in your biz!
As they say, "time is money” and just think of the time you could be wasting if you don’t enroll in this course by trying to figure it all out on your own. Remember, It's an investment in your future financial success!
Is My Credit Card Information Secure?
Credit card security is extremely important. That's why I've partnered with Stripe to handle the billing and provide a secure checkout.
Do You Offer Refunds?
Yes, I offer a 7-day money back guarantee. You must demonstrate in good faith that you have participated in the course before requesting a refund and will have to submit proof of implementation.
I have complete faith in this content, and I know if you commit to doing the work, taking the steps and applying them you will see the VALUE!
No, if you have had a change of mind or have already worked through more than two modules.